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Her er der udtalelser fra nogle af vores kunder om, hvad de bruger vores Dry-Bag® til. Er du i tvivl om Dry-Bag® kan hjælpe dine fugtabsorberingsbehov, så kontakt os endelig.
ABC-Z System Eko is a small company specializing in adsorption technologies mainly in gas purification solution. Our team successfully implements and provides solutions using adsorption methods at all stages of the production cycle.
We design and manufacture turnkey installations for VOC emissions reduction, dehumidification gases and other. We are also a supplier of «white and black adsorbents», including DRY-BAG® desiccant bags.
Our long-standing experience in adsorption technologies allows us to choose the most suitable solution for our clients.
Best Regards
Marek Kochel
ABC-Z System Eko
Colombian coffee is renowned the world over for its quality and delicious taste. Thousands of containers with green coffee and other goods out of Colombia are protected with Dry Bag®.
Best regards,
Luis Ernesto La Rota R.